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Become a real estate genius

The first steps are always the hardest, but with the right resources, you'll be a pro in no time. We've put together a range of helpful articles, podcasts and videos to help you get up to speed on real estate topics and the latest news.

Real Estate News — Magazine

A Conversation with Willi Kluge of EDSI: How the real estate market in Dresden is changing and why networks are crucial

Willi Kluge is the founder and CEO of the ESDI group of companies. In our interview, Kluge talks to us about the Dresden location, his assessment of market trends and his approach to challenges in the construction sector and project development.

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In conversation with Ralph Büchele: Affordable housing as a societal location factor

How to create affordable housing in times of rising construction costs? Ralph Büchele of Bayernheim provides insights into strategies for sustainable neighborhood development, economical construction methods and close cooperation with local authorities.

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A conversation with Dimitry McDuffie: From professional athlete to real estate developer at Ten Brinke

Dimitry McDuffie, project developer at Ten Brinke, had a somewhat unusual start in the real estate world. Initially, McDuffie was an up-and-coming basketball star with promising career prospects. But then the dream was shattered by a stroke of fate: a complicated knee injury forced the then 21-year-old McDuffie to pursue a new path. In our article and accompanying podcast, Dimitry explains how he found his way into the real estate world.

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Know How — Articles About Buying & More

Buying Property

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Sound Advice — Podcasts

Immobilien & Finanzierung einfach machen

Are you new to real estate and want to educate yourself? In this podcast feed, we enlighten you on various real estate and investment topics that you will come across as a buyer, owner or landlord.

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Janina Meets Friends

Janina regularly invites professionals from her network to join her on the podcast to find out how they got started as real estate investors, what is important when investing, and which mistakes to avoid.

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Your Questions Answered – FAQ


Why should I buy a property? How does the buying process work? And how does Urbyo support me along the way? Here you can find out everything you need to know about buying real estate.

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How do I find the right financing option? How does Urbyo compare financing offers? Where do I turn when I need follow-up financing? Find these and more answers here.

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How can I customize my listings with Urbyo? How does the selling process work? What data is necessary? We answer these and other questions about selling property here.

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Find useful real estate terms and abbreviations here.

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Step by Step: Academy

The 1x1 of buying real estate: In the Urbyo Academy

Looking for some perspective? Benefitting from experiences in the real estate market, asking questions, and learning more is easy in our academy. ⬇⬇

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