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Freshly squeezed news:
The Urbyo Magazine

The latest topics and tips from our Urbyo editorial team — all in one place. This is Urbyo Magazine. Click through our latest articles here:

A Conversation with Willi Kluge of EDSI: How the real estate market in Dresden is changing and why networks are crucial

Willi Kluge is the founder and CEO of the ESDI group of companies. In our interview, Kluge talks to us about the Dresden location, his assessment of market trends and his approach to challenges in the construction sector and project development.

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In conversation with Ralph Büchele: Affordable housing as a societal location factor

How to create affordable housing in times of rising construction costs? Ralph Büchele of Bayernheim provides insights into strategies for sustainable neighborhood development, economical construction methods and close cooperation with local authorities.

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A conversation with Dimitry McDuffie: From professional athlete to real estate developer at Ten Brinke

Dimitry McDuffie, project developer at Ten Brinke, had a somewhat unusual start in the real estate world. Initially, McDuffie was an up-and-coming basketball star with promising career prospects. But then the dream was shattered by a stroke of fate: a complicated knee injury forced the then 21-year-old McDuffie to pursue a new path. In our article and accompanying podcast, Dimitry explains how he found his way into the real estate world.

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Urbyo Talks: How Urbyo Professional revolutionizes the financing of largescale projects

Until now, there have been some hurdles when financing largescale projects, such as hotels or office buildings. Janina, our Head of Mortgage, revealed to Vivien in an interview how Urbyo Professional has changed that.

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Urbyo Talks: Who decides which property is put on the Urbyo marketplace?

Vivien grabbed our VP Business Development & Operations Marcel and asked him what criteria a property has to meet to end up on the Urbyo marketplace and what advantages brokers have when they work with us.

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Urbyo Talks: Is investing in real estate in the current market still worth it?

What is the current interest rate market status? Is it still worth investing in real estate, and if so, what should you look out for when financing? Vivien asked our Head of Mortgage, Janina, these questions today. You can read her answers here.  

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Urbyo Talks: CEO Philipp Schormann on creating Urbyo

Our social media manager Vivien recently spoke with our CEO Philipp and asked him a few questions about how Urbyo was founded, what he did prior and how the founders even met. You can read the full interview here.

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Energetic upgrading: How to modernize properly

Do you want to make your property more energy-efficient and heating-efficient in times of rising costs? Find out how to do it, what to look out for, and how to get the right loan. 👇

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Why you can keep your cool
when interest rates go up

The time has come: The ECB is raising all key interest rates by 0.75%. Find out here what the key interest rates are and how this increase will affect your existing and future loans.

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