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Urbyo Academy:
Video Courses & Webinars

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Before buying real estate

Here you will find videos and learning content that are particularly interesting before buying a property. When does real estate make sense for you? How can you assess the situation? Which key figures are particularly important? You will learn all this (and much more) in the following videos.

You need to know these terms & key figures!

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • What is the house charge?

  • What are apportionable and non-apportionable costs?

  • What are the different types of return on investment?

  • How important is positive cash flow?

How do I evaluate the location of a property?

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • How important is location really to your real estate purchase?

  • What is macro location and how do I evaluate it?

  • What is micro location and how do I evaluate it?

  • How do I evaluate how location and property go together?

Different property types and how to choose the right property!

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • What are the advantages of 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartments for investors?

  • What are the disadvantages associated with the different immo types?

  • How do I find the right property for me?

What is your real estate investment strategy?

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • What are the strategies for buying real estate?

  • Which strategies are suitable for which properties and locations?

  • Which strategy do most investors start with?

Basic knowledge of real estate financing: financing framework, budget calculation & Co.

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • How do you determine what you can afford?

  • What types of loans are available for real estate financing?

  • How does the bank do household accounting?

  • What factors have an impact on the interest rate?

  • What are dos and don'ts for financing?

Purchase process in detail

What actually happens once you have received the verbal acceptance of the bid from the real estate agent or the seller? How do I get financing? How do I find a notary and get a purchase contract? We'll show you in the videos below.

How does the real estate buying process work?

Your Urbyo takeaways from this video.

  • What happens after I make a reservation?

  • What do I need for financing?

  • Where do I get a purchase agreement?

  • What is the notarization process and what follows?

After the purchase: What are your responsibilities as an owner or landlord?

How does the purchase price payment work? What is property management? What tasks does a condominium management take away from you and what does it cost? How can the property be further developed? We will clarify this in the following videos.

What is property management and what does it take care of?

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • You don't have to take care of everything yourself as an owner an apartment in an apartment building

  • What is the difference between special property and common property?

  • The property management takes care of the maintenance of the common property

  • How important are owners' meetings and the corresponding minutes?

Really don't have to worry about anything anymore? The rental & condominium management

Your Urbyo Takeaways from this Video

  • What does rental management take care of?

  • How do you find a rental management company for your property?

  • What does rental management cost?

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Which strategy and which locations suit you? What is your financial framework and how do you negotiate the price of your dream property? 

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In addition to video courses, we also host Insta Lives or webinars on current topics, which you can attend for free to get your questions answered.

To the Urbyo Academy

Missed the webinar?
Here you can find the recordings.

We always love to have you join us live - but if you can't make it, you can find recordings of recent webinars here. Have fun!

What are the first steps after buying real estate?
- Q&A 

What actually happens after you become an owner? How does the administration work and what costs do you have to bear as a landlord? And how easy is it to be a landlord? We clarify this here in our Q&A with Sören and Oliver.

Housing costs, non-allocable costs & Co. - Q&A 

Who actually pays the house money? And what is done with it? And just as interesting: What does the tenant pay in the end via the service charges? We clarify this here in our Q&A with Sören and Oliver.

How does the real estate purchase with Urbyo work?

In this Urbyo webinar we want to get the ball rolling and explain how buying real estate with Urbyo works - this includes a few basics from real estate for investment - plus there are a few fun facts so there's something to talk about later.

Inflation, rising construction costs, high interest rates. WTF?! 

Phew, there's been a lot going on in the last few weeks. Let's put it in order here: What does high inflation mean and how does that fit with rising construction costs and high interest rates. Is buying real estate still worth it. Spoiler alert: Sure. If you make the right choice.