Hero Bao 2

Coming soon:
Urbyo Next

The next level for your real estate investment. Sign up for our limited waitlist to receive a year-long discount on Urbyo Next once it launches.

Hero Jennifer 1

What is Urbyo Next?

Urbyo Next is our program for everyone who wants to get the most out of Urbyo and invest in one or more properties. With a monthly-cancellable membership, you can access various helpful features to support you.

Hero Christian 2

More features.
More freedom.

As an Urbyo Next member, everything you get will help you implement and manage your real estate investments better than ever. Here's a preview of what to expect:

More reservations

No missed opportunities: With Urbyo Next, you can simultaneously reserve as many properties as you like.

Early Access

Always one step ahead: If there are exciting off-market deals, you'll be the first to know.

Performance tracking

With Urbyo Next, you receive access to your performance dashboard, where you can view all of your properties and their development.

Templates for contracts and more

No matter what document you need — we'll create a template for you.

Direct link to experts

If you have a burning question that only a tax advisor, notary or other person can answer, we'll get their response for you or will get you in touch with them.

Portfolio consultation & implementation

You receive an annual portfolio consultation as part of your membership. Our experts help you to implement and execute your vision.

Hero Anna 1

for a fair price

If you're one of the first 100 people to sign up for Urbyo Next, you can unlock your Urbyo Next membership for just €19/month (instead of the regular €29/month) once the program is live.

Hero Bao 1

Missing something?

Do you have another suggestion for an Urbyo Next service you'd like to see? Let us know! We look forward to your feedback.

FAQ Urbyo Next